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Post menopause weight loss success stories - position menopause weight loss victory tales

31-01-2017 à 19:59:28
Post menopause weight loss success stories
Eighteen months later, tired of the pain, the heavy periods, and most of all the worry of cancer, I requested a hysterectomy from my gyn. It was going to be the year I paid my rent on time and made it to the doctors when scheduled. This plan of action worked out well for her. Despite knowing the fact of her end, she always motivated the inmates while in hospital. a. However, something in me told me to go to the doctor. She is now 5 years old, healthy, happy and so very special to me. We need more research done, better testing, earlier testing. He said the cancer was probably contained in my uterus, but staging would be done during the surgery. They told me the results of the CT scan, said the OVCA had spread throughout the whole body and was now in the bones (several of them). My mother was diagnoised with level 3C ovarian cancer in December of 2006. Another nurse appeared and told me to drink this fluid for the test. I went to a clinic and then a specialist who ordered an ultrasound. The next 6 months were a blur of surgery, chemo, tears, laughter, not having to shave or buy hair products, and finding a newfound peace and acceptance with my life and the world around me. Realizing I was at risk for ovarian cancer with the first two factors, I had always been pro-active with yearly ultrasounds and watching for little signs. I believe we will be doing some type of pill. She was once very strong and determined to beat this, but I see her hope dwindling every day. My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer on September 17, 2007 after going to the hospital with severe abdominal pain. I wish all of you the best of luck and I hope all of you have the same attitude my mom had. Women do not ignore your pain or dismiss your symptoms. I also developed back pain. People would tell me that it was all in my mind, and if I would just get up and stay active, the pain would go away. They gave my family the news right after surgery that the tumor was malignant. Within are many unanswered questions, maybe to be answered, and maybe not. Once the surgery was performed, we were told that they got some of the tumor but not all of it. On my fifth day hospitalized a young doc came to interview me and slipped up by mentioning something he thought my Gyn Onc had told me. I heard a psychiatrist on a radio talk show once explaining that many people who survive a traumatic illness suffer PTSD. I thought the infusion nurses were nice in Bismarck, they hold nothing on these nurses. August 23, 2005: CA125 above 1000, third recurrence, starting the chemo with taxotere. She had surgery and chemo. I never thought I would face something like this. I have been having horrible pain for the past 3 yrs and was diagnosed with ovarian cyst on one ovary. She is not super diligent, Im the BIG NAG, about it. At this point my family is making arrangements for my mom to have Hospice. They thought I was crazy for sure this time. In the spring of 2006, she began to have stomach pains. I give her the credit for saving my life. 1 week after thanksgiving 2005. But the decease re-appeared again and this time with metastasis stage. I sat in the chair drinking my tea while my husband got ready for bed. They now know that she is resistant to all but two types of chemo. She was admitted into the local hospital again and received a peg tube for decompression. I risked her life to save mine and I must always remember how much I prayed for her. He touched my hand and said that he thought I had ovarian cancer. And now she was living in Fulton, Kentucky and working in Paducah Lourdes Hospital as a medical transcriber. I joined a support group and those ladies were my sisters. Unfortunately nothing could stop the spread of the cancer. The genetic team suspects my family has HNPCC. Lean 13 gives you a real great head-start by making a big promise you simply cannot ignore. I come from a very large extended family and we have all been very fortunate thus far (knock on wood) when it comes to life threatening illness, tragic accidents, etc. Let us all be vigilant about our health and pray for each other. That was never told to them. This particular cancer was a form that continuously produced and multiplied tumors throughout her body. So my husbands direct supervisor told him there was no way he was coming home on emergency leave. He then got me to lie on the bed in his surgery and he had a look and feel around my stomach, then said oh your right there is something there. My cancer was Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (left salpingo-oophorectomy), weighed 10lbs. She also used every opportunity to share awareness of Ovarian Cancer. She was hospitalized for days after her second round and at this point she was ready to call it off and give up. Lea Ann continued working as a 3rd grade teacher in spite of her discomfort. Well, size of the uterus was misdiagnosed and it was actually a tumor the size of a football. Why do women have to wait until they are 40 for a mammogram. He then went back to Williamsburg, Va. She was referred to Johnston Willis Hospital where test results showed OVCA. I just had a checkup in October 2005 and everything looks good. May God Bless Those Who are fighting this. My surgeon ordered an ultrasound after a suspicious pelvic exam. During the break her numbers rose again and they chose to use Topotecan to knock the cancer out. I went to him beginning of August, told him that I was experiencing a slight pull lower abdomen and that my stomach looked and felt bloated. Irregular findings but nothing indicated cancer - medication to clear up problems. She told me that as a child she visited a relative who was dying of some terrible disease-cancer. Well, I was next but not with breast cancer. My gynecologist sent me to a gynecological oncologist for follow-up. R. The only thing bigger than her smile was her heart and her faith. Oh, forgot to tell you that I know what is going on before I even go in, I know that part of this is my asthma but with all the other tests that were done, my mind has been in overdrive just wondering what kind it was going to be. I had noticed that she seemed more tired. I was a little bloated and tired, but I thought it was irritable bowel and summer heat making me tired. The colostomy reversal also went fine and for the first time in nine months she feels great and has no scheduled surgeries or treatments in the near future. Goldman came into the room where we were waiting and told us, sorry we cannot operate today. There was no sadness in seeing her like that. The next morning I got my stomach tapped. You are still going to find advertisements for Nutrisystem everywhere you look. Nearly 10 weeks before I went back to work. for the next day and while in there had another asthma attack and had to have another breathing treatment. I then had to start the chemo all over again. This and other factors delayed my treatment so that I am just starting on my first chemo drug Doxil Feb. I was immediately scheduled to see an Oncologist Gyn and put on chemo. It makes me feel that I am supposed to be wishing you the best when all I really am. I was told to go straight back to docs office after scan where my Husband had been called at work, an hour away, to be there too. , but was told that it was typical for someone my age (50) and signaled the start of menopause. Because my weight was all in my stomach I started buying loose clothes and nobody noticed it any more. My husband managed to get me a cup of tea from the office manager. I would sometimes go months without a period, and then it would return heavily for up to a month. was scheduled for Monday. My friends had made a joke and would ask me when I was expecting and as funny as it was I knew deep inside something was not right. She woke up one morning with chest pains and was rushed to the ER. I was closely monitored for breast cancer and was getting yearly endometrial biopsies due to thickening caused by my use of Tamoxifin. Around that time, I also noticed pain in my right thigh. We need to push trials and clinical and research for detection and doctors have got to take the symptoms that woman have more seriously. The estrogen did nothing for her symptoms so she quit taking it after a short time. On my last visit my CA 125 was down to 4. So we called in hospice which was very nice and helpful and then on May 28th, 2001 at 11:45am my mom took her last breaths. My mother died on Thursday, July 26, 2001 at the age of 45. She has an appointment at Duke university Jan 6, 2009 to find out what stage she is in. The original cancer had metastasized over the last two years. She buried her grandmothers, father and husband and best friend who all had one form of cancer. My tumor was a borderline cancer and required no additional treatment other than CA125 every 6 months to make sure nothing was recurring. When the surgeon came out halfway through the surgery and met us in a consult room, the world as we knew it changed. Even when I got really weak, I kept going -I dont like to bother the doc. She does palpate a mass on the right side. Thanks ladies - and much luck to you all. peacefully. My gentle, kind and loving sister Monica died on September 24, 2003 at the age of 38 years old. Its size was crushing my lungs, and my right ovary was obliterated. By July my count was going up and in October finally had more chemo. After nearly 8 hours of surgery I was faced with the decision to tell my Mom. A couple of months after that I started noticing changes with my body, bloated abdomen, menstrual changes, upset stomachs, etc. All all-points prayer ALERT was sent out throughout our community. I screamed. She will now start another six rounds of chemotherapy, hopefully to shrink the tumor on her liver. At that Imelda they made incision on neck to check lymph nodes for cancer, all clear before surgery. jbx Click here for Part Two. After her surgery she had been really skinny and she started chemo a month after. We set up her hospital bed right in the living room next to a large picture window at her request. ) said if his wife was going for (treatment) this is who he would send her to. Since she had a hard time swallowing we put in a g-tube before she was discharged home. His cancer is also called mucinosis peritoneal cancer of the appendix. Reading most of these stories made me feel like mine had already been written by every one else. I am a retired school teacher of 31 years. Anyway, my Pap test came back fine as did the mamogram. Mama became a widow at the age of 39 when my father was killed in car crash. One in particular taught her a poem about death. The fluid around my lungs contained ovarian cancer cells and a Cat Scan revealed suspicious spots on my kidney and a lymph node in my chest. She was xrayed several times and sent to a pulmonologist for a diagnosis. Ten days later the discomfort came back, and another medication was prescribed. It took me a little while to get over my anger that this was not caught earlier as i had been to the doctor 3 months prior, talking of pain and discomfort. It says what she believed about death and wanted to share that with everyone. Her doctors at this time were not very aggressive with treatment and basically told her to quit drinking alcohol and quit eating canned food. Our names were called again and this time I chose to wait where I was at and allow my older brother to take my place. Dean was very considerate and tried his best to answer every question to the best and fullest of his ability. They were both necessary to repair the hernia and clear the bowel obstruction. Five days later while on holiday, the situation got worse. When I was diagnosed I had a CA125 level of 2750. We need more research done, better testing, earlier testing. I have a husband (really supportive), a son who is home from University for 3 months and the rest of my family is wonderful and supportive also (mum, dad, sisters, brothers etc). He told me to call him back and let him know the next week what she wanted to do. The chemo had not stopped my Pleural Effusions and I had to have two surgeries in December 2006 to seal the lungs. So when she got to the hospital she was about 68 lbs soaking wet. I looked out at the water in her room and saw boats going by, waves hitting the shore and sea gulls flying about. Her church family were awesome during this difficult time. We were elated when the doctor gave us the great news that she was going to be fine. When I saw my cancer doctor he said I needed surgery but if he did it then he would not even give me a 50% chance. My Oncologist wants me to take Premarin 0. She was admitted to E. This brought a little alarm but was not earthshattering. They drained 6 pounds of fluid from my abdomen and gave me a total hysterectomy. I work out all the time and the cancer has not stopped me from doing that or any thing else for that matter. She had tried alternative treatment and still does. In my mind, I knew it was a matter of time to spend with mom. As soon as she answered the door I told her to call emergency I had to got to the hospital,and that there was blood in my urine. This was performed along with the implantation of a port. I volunteered to take care of her in anyway she needed. So she did, she came out of the operating room with severe pain and stayed in the hospital for several days. I bought some lactaid to support my eating habits and felt better. This Hospice is on the Long Island Sound. We thought all we had left to do was deal with an extreme handicap, the cancer was no longer a problem. He told me that from the cat scan I have inflamed lymph nodes, Im scared. I have had my uterus removed in 2001, negative of any cancer. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October of 03. The following Monday I woke up wanting to go to school bad but I knew I had to go to the hospital. yeah, ahead of the pack and recent discoveries of its merit. A few weeks after my period I started having spotting and at the end of July I started having bloating (looked like I was 5 months) and pain for 2 days. Especially people that are serious about jump starting their body into weight reduction mode and shrinking it down to a more agreeable size. I thought she would beat it and everything would go back to normal. I thought it would take just 1 minute to get a sample from the hallway ceiling but the steel cover smashed to the ground and it took approx. This move may have saved me the pain of enduring more surgeries and may even save my life. All I can come up with is continue to make people smile through my strengh and to ask the medical profession to work on ultrasounds for women before it is too late. And my darling husband is an angel of caring. The chemo was not working. After four treatments of chemo I was booked in for an operation to remove the shrunken tumors. Believe me as scarry as these test sound their not so bad. Debulking was a good option and if so install a port in her abdomen for intra-peritoneal application of chemo. Having said all that, I visited my doctor on January 4th. I still bowl, go to church, gamble, play cards, etc - everything I did before cancer struck. By September the doctor ordered another body scan to check the tumors. Hugs and healing roses from my garden I send to all of you. The radiation treatment had a good effect but I can only have so much radiation without that killing me. 23rd). just more of an ache. The doctors were not allowed to tell me anything because my parents had not returned from vacation. I had 6 months of the sisplatin and taxol chemo. She boldly insisted on an exploratory surgery and he agreed to do it reluctantly. She had been in the hospital for two weeks several months prior. As a family, we enjoyed many walking trips, but one will always remain in my mind. She called me her cheerleader. You see, my mother did not let cancer rob her of her life. This doctor was immediately alarmed and sent her to see a GYN specialist who immediately scheduled a battery of tests and scans. within six hours I was on the operating table. The first six cycles of chemotherapy shown a 100% cure but the disease re-appeared and grown up very fast. I also started noticing an odor in my nose and this led me to an ear, nose and throat doctor. Tumor had to be peeled off my bowel and bladder. It has been a few years, but it still is hard to live without her. Since she had a hard time swallowing we put in a g-tube before she was discharged home. The pain did not resolve, so finally I had an MRI done, which revealed an. My mother asked if we could incorporate that poem into the funeral somehow. The beautiful sounds of the morning bird singing in the wind. I was fortunately able to take a medical leave from work. Pathology a bit scary. had more tests done and told maybe with some success that she might have a year or two. I am a 45 year old mother of 2 boys (age 4, and 6). Six months after my hysterectomy request, the pain got worse. He was insulted that she was seeking another opinion. I retired at 60 in order to travel with my husband in our RV. He said we could do nothing and see what happens or we could start treatment. It was so hard being able to talk to her on Monday and by Thursday she was gone. Another scan revealed an 18 cm ovarian mass. I had had about two weeks of bloating and little abdominal pain. She had one round of carbo and we will return April 23 for more treatments. Sometimes with a huge sigh of relief and humour. I wish all of you the very best and many healthy days to come. After four more surgeries several weeks in a hospital along with more chemo, she is finally in remission. I was calm over the phone, but my anxiety increased as the day progressed. I can have further chemotherapy but do not know which one to use. By the end of July, 2004 she had excessive ascites, and could not eat or sleep well. Her school had supported her, they had fundraisers in honor of her, and they made t-shirts and bracelets and any money they could to save her life. The reason for this was because the cancer had not spread to her lymph nodes I assume. I did 8 rounds of Carboplatin and Taxol, then 12 rounds of Taxol as maintenance. At this point I was spouting out every question that came to mind and Dr. On Oct 3, 2006, I had to have hernia surgery, and while they were fixing that, Dr Pippitt took samples and sent them off to see if there was any cancer. My mom and the rest of the family were grieving the loss of my grandfather and were busy arranging the memorial service. Since she is 82 and this winter was brutal, the trip into NYC was more debilitating than the Chimo. Mom and Dad had to cancel a cruise with their high school classmates to have the surgery. It was then determined that not only did I have borderline cells, but malignant cancer as well and I had to wait a week for the final pathology reports back. She was on all different pain meds and vitamins. I talked my doctor into letting me start the following Monday. Then I had 12 more taxol consolidation treatments. When I got home my son put me on an alkaline diet. We liked that guess but after a CT scan and another CA125, we all knew the cancer was back. He then sent me to an oncologist and he said I needed to have 6 doses of Taxol and Carboplatin and started the following week, once every 3 weeks. We have moved to Fargo and I can see new oncologist Dr. Then one day I went back to my GP with a different complaint, my right breast was red and inflamed and within a week it had doubled in size. I asked her then if she thought it was cancer and she said it was. My story is a little different but I want to share it in order to give hope to those who are going through the same hardships i am right now. I am No Thing because I am not static, not uniform, not in a box, not a disease, not a political party. First of all I would like to commend you all for your strength and courage while going through this terrible disease. I set up an appointment with a surgeon and made a date for the day after Christmas to get it taken care of. I know right before my period I am going to be lying on the floor again hurting so badly and no one will do anything for me. She passed away peacefully at home like she wanted to. The next day I had to go to a specalist in Spokane to schedule a surgery day. Because I was 23 the youngest they have ever seen they were going to use me as a case study, I guess this meant to them not doing anything about my cancer that the doctor left in me. She was very weak. I have made it to six years with no recurrance, which seems to me like a miracle. During her second battle with cancer she quit drinking completely and faced the ugliest moment of her life sober. She is such a caregiver,so it was hard for her to be the one in need. I wanted to get everything done and over with. I kept insisting the pain was getting worse so at one ER visit they found I had blood in my stools and ordered a colonoscopy. Nothing really but I still want you to see an Oncologist. After operation first question out of my mouth was How many years has a patient of yours with the same stage of ovarian cancer survived. His thought was my body just went whacky and BC pills would fix it. I smiled at her and told her that I loved her. She was and will continue being my life, with her passing she has taught me how to appreciate life and every moment that is before us. After I found out, they had planned surgery for me. Again six cycles of chemotherapy were administered and transplantation of chemo pot was also done as the nerves of my wife grew weaker. The dr. I knew before the air quality tests from my bathroom sink and the front hallway of that building came back that it was Stachybotrys mold. I waited in the room with my mother, grandmother and aunt. 5 months I have been having some health problems that I have been trying to get help for and my gny-obs is down playing it all as my hormones must be messed up. When he did he immediately sent me to the hospital and performed a right side oophorectomy that evening. Memories with my family then I suddenly begin to wake. I took it on myself to go back and make inquiries. On Nov 29, 2005 I was operated on for a complete hysterectomy and they found two masses that weighed 4 lbs. I asked him to come back the next day to give me time to think things over. The cancer had become estrogen resistant and her body was not tolerating the treatments anymore. She had many family and friends visit her throughout the 14 months and she would always welcome all of them with open arms and do all the touristy things even when she was so tired and weak. Also, rock climbing makes you feel as alive as surviving cancer does. I can remember crying and praying on the way that God would let me have this baby. I was diagnosed with endometrial polyps and a thick endometrial lining (hyperplasia). While we were in the waiting room, I was told that my doctor wanted to see me right away. her Gyn said nothing was wrong. My mother went back again to a different doctor and was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer. My son and husband rushed me to the emergency room once again. On Oct 17, 2006, I was declared cancer free. Before she died, she gave each of us a bit of her wisdom and encouragement. I started becoming bloated and gaining weight for no reason. She was officially diagnosed with ovarian cancer 1 month before she passed ( which was september 2 2006)She was admitted to E. Lea Ann was so weak and the cancer so aggressive the doctor thought no more could be done. It only got worse but she thought it was due to the metal plates in her back. Cranberry juice, lean chicken and fish, broccoli, rice, and watermelong (when I could eat) made me strong. We followed treatment with second look surgery and then once a month, for three months, IP chemo. In between chemo sessions my friend Shirley and I went out - coffee a cafe, bookstore browsing, museums, walks. To all who are suffering, you are not alone, so many suffer with you. My mom is 69 years old and have been complaining about her stomach was getting bigger, she also complained of bleeding after menopause which I know would be a serious problem. he has had alot of after effects from the surgery and has lost 60 lbs. She would have to wait for six weeks or more before she could do chemo again. I was having back pain all along but the bone scan did not show anything significant but because it became more painful I had an MRI that showed bone metastases. I was exercising 3 to 4 days a week taking krav maga classes. My doctor wants me to get involved in a clinical trail. I have had regular checkups with CT scan each year, CA125 tests every three months, and chest x-rays every 6 months. Never been in the hospital except for my one childbirth. I had the hysto of everything except cervix and extensive debulking. We are very close and this is devastating. I brushed my teeth, washed up, got dressed as quick as I could. You had two volleyball-sized low malignant tumors removed. So in two days she is going for another biopsy. Wonderful that my mom has had the care she deserves, the doctors in Illinois thought it smart not to do more debulking right away and go for more chemo. The only symptom she did not have was the bloating, possibly because she was on a no-salt diet with my dad. Now I am not a superstitious woman, but August 13 happened to be on a Friday, too. I live in a small town and chose to go to a University Med Center for treatment. I am 61 years old and I have Well-Differentiated, (which I have learned means it is a slow growing cancer at this point in time). Dr. We need more research done, better testing, earlier testing. My sister found out when she went in for a cat scan on her stomach and they told her that her ovaries were covered in cancer. In May of 2004, my beautiful mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at age 70 years young. She survived the surgery like a real trooper. I made an appointment to see him last week. She fought it hard for over a year until her body could not take it anymore. At this point we just needed to relieve the pain. During and still to this day, I take immune builders, recieve accupuncture to improve my immune system. I went to my gyn at the time because I could feel something through my pelvis and some discomfort after intercourse. 5 great years. Even three months ago I did not know I had cancer. Put a numbing patch on sides just kept on going to work. Ball did biopsies from all around her chest cavity while he was in there and they all came back negative. My hair is starting to grow and it seems strange after 18 months of baldness. No real change this time, so I asked the woman practioner to give me a pelvic exam. It was one of those silly but oh so real childhood fears. We are now done with chemo and planning on a family vacation this coming week. It was horrible for us to see her in this horrible state. My surgery was July 19, 1999 and chemo ran Aug. She battled the disease for approximately 19 months. I took care of her with the help of ocassional nurses, medical equip and friends. I had 2 ultrasounds because my doctor was stuck on me being a big candidate for gallbladder trouble. I went on with my life and then gave up going to the dr. Summer 2006, I experienced symptoms of gastrointestinal stuff throughout the summer. First time out the gate the tumor markers dropped to 800. I am beginning to feel a little under the weather but do not expect the worst for another 24-48 hours if I respond like I did before. Unfornately, August first it had jumped to 92 and I was beginning to feel some symptoms. He told me I was not to go out shopping or even go home for that matter he wanted me to go straight to the ER. No matter how sick she had been, she remained positive and loving. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. July 5, 2012: I am here and guess what, my orders are not signed. But I have not had horrible problems. I would like to thank you for reading and say God bless to you and your family if you or a loved one is suffering. The doctors told me it wa a cyst and it was on the left ovary. Since I wanted to try to get pregnant after the marathon in March, I asked that he do an exploratory laparoscopy to get a definitive diagnosis. It just means that we are finding out own way. She went to the hospital and they took a gallon of fluid from her. My 16 year old duaghter was dx with serous borderline ovarian tumor with noninvasive implants last month. My four brothers, father and myself were still under the impression that it was still contained to the one ovary and that during surgery it would be removed and all would be downhill from there. Well 3 letters later and 2 weeks after my surgery my husband flew home on emergency surgery and was able to help me through the awful recovery from abdominal surgery. My husband, two children and I were so excited. I will be cancer free for 4 years in May 2007. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer at the age of 41. I have found that I really enjoy my own company now that I am not experiencing any of the uncontrollable rage and anxiety I felt before my surgery. November 9. The nurses assured me it was probably as a result of the pain medications I was receiving. At this point she had a new set of docs and the general surgeon invited a GYN oncologist into the operating room. You see, I went into surgery thinking I simply had Cervical CA. While most kids dreams were to be a vet or teacher she wanted to be a mom. I know I feel those who have gone from here. I can remember being so upset that something was happening to me, also, and was afraid to tell my father. I always said that I wanted to be there when it happened. Thanx for giving me the hotbox and toxic medicine I needed. I guess this is exactly why so many women are dying from ovarian cancer. 5 years if the chemo works. I am now participating in a clinical trial. In hindsight, she had most of the symptoms of ovarian cancer for several months. I tried to do a trial drug, but, it made me too sick, so I ended up doing doxil, which burned my feet really bad. After I arrived they started prepping me for surgery. But I am forced to come to terms with the fact that my mom who is also my best friend may lose this long battle. My mom would be leaving her home for the last time. They had to give me another blood transfusion and a platelet transfusion and an iron transfusion as well as shots to build my blood levels. Remainder of my message (I accidentally hit send, I suppose). I was official, On March 10th,2009 I was informed that the tumor that had been found was indeed cancerous. I peed again and the urine was the color of cranberry juice. Please see my previous story - look for other entry from Joanne from NC. I was referred to the parapet clinic and got an appointment the following week. I had two weeks to go but the chemo was still to strong. We were all elated and I was put on a schedule of seeing one doctor, then I would see the other doctor, then I would skip a month,etc. I was a sympathic person before all this and now I am much more compassionate, emphathetic and caring for people around me. Now I have been in remmission for 10 months and now I have a scare as my CA125 has gone up from 12 to 320 and i have some symptoms, constipation, blotted stomach and pain. I had my routine physical with my OBYGYNE in the US in May 2009, and all test results were good. She was 65. She told me that death and life are a series of steps or notches. The extraction of fluid was done again in a few days and another gallon of fluid was extracted and checked for content of cancer cells but none were detected. She has spent the last 20 plus years of her life working in the ministry. As a tribute to our ovarian cancer women, living-with or in-spirit, these are their words to you with that special privilege of Trust and my own personal admiration. Our priest came down and we prayed with her at her bed. I know this will be a battle and I am ready. However, the cancer treatment centers are a very good place to be if you have cancer. She called cancer her blessing and really enjoyed what time she had left. I hope one day they find a cure for this silent killer. But since she is only 16, being a mother is many years away. Another nurse appeared and told me to drink this fluid for the test. In mid-April the tumor then produced a bowel obstruction in April 2005, which resulted in a peg-tube for drainage. Once it neared the end of that round. Still today, less than 20% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed in early stages, primarily one of luck or happenstance. I was due to deliver on March 3, but the plan had to be changed cause he was tachycardiac, I would be delivering February 22. My Mom does have a significant other, but like many men, really do not know how to deal with it. Now I have been diagnosed with a pineal cyst and now I have had two rectal bleeds. I started chemo the next week. All the food preparation is done for you. She had another attack in January which forced her to go to the doctor. They returned after about fourty minutes with huge smiles. He finally ordered a laparoscopy be done and they found my cancer. She indicated that the pain would come and go, but felt it was manageable. On returning for the ct results she was told she had a mass about the size of a grapefruit on her left ovary. She carried herself with dignity,and faith and fought courageously. My wonderful mother and best friend: Barbara 1934-2007. Monica felt good and seem to be back in good health. She died after two days of 18th cycle of chemotherapy. Today is the 7 day post chemo, havent felt too bad, still early days yet. For everything you have given me I am willing to make a trade. My brother said she did not even know who he was- she was so out of it on drugs etc. It was such a shock when her cancer returned in late November. Her CA-125 came back at 475, which the doctor said was consistent with a malignancy. She was grabbing things with her fingers, almost like she was sewing. I called Memorial Sloan Kettering to get some input I could trust. She was now officially a very advanced stage IV. I thank God for my friends and family, the oncology nurses and my gynecologic oncologist. a piece, and took out four inches of my intestines that the mass had laid on, and had damaged, plus they took out my appendices. I insisted maybe cancer, since my sister had vaginal cancer, and first cousin had vaginal cancer too. Hello, In April 1996 I went in to have a full hysterecomy. I have developed a simple and wonderful analogy: if my car was broken, I would take it to a mechanic and the mechanic would tell me what was wrong with my car then the mechanic would fix the problem then charge me for the repairs. We cannot thank God enough for ALL those who have prayed, supported, encouraged, and embraced my family in this last year. Last week I felt pressure in my left abdomen and went to the doctor. I still did what I do now but go to regular school. I called the hospital and they thought that I was constipated too. My father was also sick and even through her treatments she took care of him too. Lucky for me there was one and I did qualify because of the level of the cancer and I jumped in with both feet. I have been sport rock climbing regularly for about 3 years now and finally had gotten a membership to a rock gym in Philadelphia called Go Vertical. When the radiologist took the scan he had to stop suddenly as I was so ill. It was horrible, the whole time I had no idea if I was dying or what. To find the loved ones waiting on the shore. I was in hospital that following week having supposedly a total abdominal hysterectomy. unbelievable. So next week, she sees her doctor and all we can do is hope and pray. She seemed herself that day and continued to feel okay for a couple weeks. I know this because I had to leave a Rascal Flatts concert early due to some pretty severe pains I was having during the show. I was finally diagnosed with ovarian cancer in July of 2005 after 2 years of symptoms. Her GYN doctor told her that her CA-125 was also up so she had to go to Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. At that point I felt extremely self-conscious of my appearance. She began to talk to herself. While those surrounding her were crying she would firmly tell us that everything would be okay. re-occurrence and this time liver was also affected i. I was admitted to the hospital for preparation for surgery on May 19, 2003. This past year has been extremely difficult to say the least. My advise to all women is to listen to your body. Shortly after the peg was placed she was released to take chemo again. I needed to being doing something right now. I was dx at age 34----what a shocker, I thought it was an old lady disease. She did lawn work, papered and painted her walls etc. I had my stomach tapped the week after I got home. My story begins like that of so many other women I have met with ovarian cancer. She was sleeping for almost 3 days straight before she died. I received my first chemo in the hospital and 5 more after that. I feel knowledge is power against this beast. Like many others, I was not aware someone as young as me could get ovarian cancer. R. Although the cancer had not spread to my uterus and fallopian tubes, an area of my pelvic sidewall where the tumor had touched it contained cancerous cells. First he said I have a really really spastic bowel, then he said I had a twist. After the mainline treatments in May 04, I had to have a surgery for a big incisional hernia (repaired with mesh). I began my journey thinking that I would survive. of water an hour and a half before your appointment. My prayers and well wishes are with you all. A year after my chemotherapy I took up qigong. There is much I have never had time to appreciate, now I can. I had it since May 03 and my ob-gyn was not concerned about it. I did not get in to get my haircut before hand so there are strands of hair that just kind of fall out and it drives me nuts, so I sit and run my fingers thru it and even more comes out, but not enough to make a difference. The doctors scheduled a procedure to help for the following week. The urologist got the stone out, walked into my hospital room, and told me to find a new gynecologist the day I was released. Once again the doctor knew something that they decided not to tell me. Additional tools to detect and fight this cancer are so desperately needed. this was going to delay my goal of learning lead climbing by spring. So, luckily for our family (my brother and I specifically), my Mom is a fighter. My mom spent LOSTS of time in the hosptial and I made friends with the nurses and doctors. Now they have a baby, 7 months, and I feel so lucky I am here to see him. My family doctor did my pap test and he ran all the panels of blood work. So I cleaned her up and gave her pain meds. He said he had removed the shrunken tumors and taken out my appendix but when he got to the pelvis he discovered live cancer on my bowel. She had told me that her father was in the room and when she tried to talk to her he told her he was there to keep an eye on her and take her to heaven when it was time. Of course, I had the total hysterectomy, and everything else out. I spoke to her in late September following a class I had at a local community college where I learned about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Her pain continued to grow worse and was often unbearable. that was some scary already. Little did we know that she already knew and had chosen to deal with it on her own in hopes of not worrying us. Mom was bedridden during the entire process and had to have a decatheter to use the bathroom. it is the scariest thing to be waiting for the actual surgery to be over, and so much anxiety about cancer. Seven months later a new mass develops and was told it was cancer. Because of the peg tube, my mother was only to have clear liquids for her diet. I went to see her husband who is a Gynecologists. My MOM is truly a remarkable woman and the most loving mother anyone could ask for. The mediport done just what they said it would do it sent the chemo straight to her tumors were it collected in her stomach and made her deathly ill for weeks. Tuesday I had an angiogram and Wednesday had cardiac catheterization to install 3 stents in my heart due to blocked arteries. My usual doctor was away, so I saw her replacement, who thought I was just severely constipated and refused to refer me for an ultrasound. She had some trouble with the drugs, some reactions and poor blood numbers caused delays. When I was 8 years old, my biggest fear was losing my mom. For those of you like me who were young when you were diagnosed and may not be able to have children of your own because of it, just focus on the fact that you are still here and take one day at a time. Three weeks after this she began having complications with the peg tube. It was stage IIIa mixed papillary serous and clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium. David Michellin who would see me in January. Intestinal obstruction underwent surgery on thursday, June 1st. I missed a lot of school during my teen years. Sure thing. It was harder on her and my family and friends than it was on me, I swear. Cancer cells were also found in the peritoneal wall but all of the other organs looked healthy. So now I kind of irritated a little, moody and sometimes feeling down. But I had to wait a week while I was on blood thinner for the blood clots. I take my body to the docs, docs tell me what is wrong (sometimes) then they will not give me any further treatment and to make matters worse they are mean and careless. I am feeling a little under the weather but do not expect the worst for another 24-48 hours if I respond like I did before. Question your doctors, get screened for ovarian cancer, CA125 blood test, transvaginal ultrasounds, exploratory surgery. A pet scan showed a mass and a spot on my liver and behind my breastbone too. I faithfully made my yearly visits to the Gyn. The doctor came back in and told me I had ovarian cancer. She died at home a less than a week later. I undertand that there is some sort of vaccine for stage III and IV cancer patients that has been very successful. After responding so well to the treatments and her numbers going down, the doctor she was seeing at the time decided she would let her rest for awhile. I finally, after 3 days of this, went to the ER. I had a total of 25 treatments of radiation, 6 weeks after surgery, and have survived cancer free for almost 4 years now. They are unique beyond words in their love for their family. June 11, 2012: I am at the hospital to have a CT guided biopsy done on my right pelvic mass. I finally had her get another Nurse and I gave them a piece of my mind. tumor that was malignant, but it had not spread. She finished the last chemo at the end of Feb, 2005. My mother had two surgeries in less than a year in order to remove as much cancer as they could. Meet a couple named Darrell and Sara they went to CTCA and advised me to go there, this is not advertisement. By July of 2006 she had gotten worse and was getting quite weak. I am having vague abdominal pains(dull aches mostly)bloating, and constipated. salpingoopherectoy if my ovaries looked bad. When I turned 40 I started having my yearly Well Woman and mammograms done and everything was fine, including the one I had in January 2012. Most importantly, placing awareness out there so women can be informed on this cancer, symptoms, detections, and hopefully one day prevention. On December 13th of 2005 she had the surgery. She died in August, 3 months after our vacation. He went to the ER and they said he had some kind of lung infection. We both talked and he said he was pretty sure it was only a cyst (probably dermoid in origin). I wish the best for all patients and families and friends that have to go through the pain I did if not more. You may have heard of Nutrisystem discount codes and coupons that were available online to get special deals on the various diet plans. I knew her health was more important and her just being there to see him grow up was more important though so I pushed all that to the side and focused all my attention on her. This worked for awhile but no longer does, so I am off it. When I woke after surgery the surgeon told me I had stage 4 ovarian cancer and about 6 months to a year to live if I did nothing. Here in Canada, we are not tested for stachybotrys mold in our bodies - so all fungal tests for me come back negative. While there are many contributing factors for cancer, we are confident this did not suppress the aggression of her disease. I developed acne, sores in my mouth, severe pain in my legs and thighs, and constipation. I had regular pap smears and pelvic examinations twice a year beginning in 1987 until 2000 with no irregular results. God has restored a broken relationship and made it into a beautiful centerpiece of the Works of the Masters Hands. I can still hear her laughing with joy while watching the kids swim. 15, 2008. After two ultrasounds, she was tapped because she was having trouble breathing. I have an appointment with my OBGYN this week to discuss problems that I am having. I had to go the next week to see a gynecologist. My wife is 52 and has low back and pelvic pain for a month now with 3 visits to the ER, and 2 ultrasounds and 2 CT scans. I received Taxol and Carboplatin every three weeks for six treatments, finishing on January 31, 2008. I got up in the morning and made breakfast for my nieces (8 and 6), 2 sons (10 mos. In July 2009 my father was diagnosed with brain cancer. If I had not had that fall I may still not know that I had a dangerous cancer growing. They said probably not and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. She continued to have difficulty breathing, tried another chemo which worked for a short time and to get more and more tired. , to control my irregular bleeding. My left was also cystic so my doctor removed them both. Mom told me she did not want me to worrry. Share your story with your family and friends. Hyster. Trying to stay positive, the tears seem to flow a lot. His blood work, which they do to show a certain score that leys the Dr know if he has cancer still was on the high side. very positive -lookign forward. Ruth was slim, vibrant and active at age 60. I needed him to understand that I was so very afraid of what I expected he was going to tell me. She was discharged to me with the diagnosis of Paraneoplasy Cerrebellar Degeneration- what it broke down to was her own antibodies were trying to attack cancer and misfired killing her brain cells. I have had six sessions of this medication. I hope that no other woman has to go through what she went through. I realize not my chapter in life no one could ever take. vomiting. We went to her primary care, neurologists, and an oncologist (Dr. To help in the research for earlier detection, or even better a cure. The worst they told us was a huge swollen lymph node in her groin that needed to be removed surgically. Remember me, Sande, because one day my foundation will be out there to help assist with the studies of ovarian cancer. Before the infection was completely gone she started throwing up all the time and it was fecal matter. There is a rare variation of HNPCC that indicates a risk for brain cancer in addition to the laundry list that comes with HNPCC. It is something she lives with and some days she hates it, but she is finding something wonderful every single day. I had that repaired in August 2007 - my gyn onc surgeon had a look around during the operation and sent tissue samples to the lab - it all came back clear. She put a courageous battle, but sadly lost that battle on September 3, 2007. One day I hope that cancer is as treatable as your common cold. I still believe my mother (who would be 76 today) is looking down from heaven, as she always has, and as your mothers must be, too. Saturday, I sent him back with specific instructions to ask the pharmacist what was the strongest over the counter medicine for heartburn. I asked him to send another report to my GP and he said yes. I was diagnosed at the age of 23 with stage III B of ovarian cancer. There is residual fall-out from the hysterectomy, unfortunately. I got up in the morning and made breakfast for my nieces (8 and 6), 2 sons (10 mos. That entire day, I never caught my breath. I was 8mins into the Taxol and had a really bad allergic reaction to it, they had to give me something to hurry up and counteract it. I also had a CA125 drawn today after I got home and called my GYN office. Right and decide to start a family someday. I was admitted to the hospital and drained of more than 12 liters of fluid) Two weeks later, I had my first round of chemo (carboplatin and taxol), got a bad reaction which kept me in the hospital for two weeks. Ever-present are the realities that ovarian cancer is a disease most often en-shrined in significant suffering. The second opinion was that it was highly likely that she had ovarian cancer. Knowing your risks and being screened for early detection is key to long term survival. This cancer is basically the same as Ovarian and it is treated the same way. The surgery went well, the tumours had responded to the chemo, my ca125 was normal, another 2 rounds of chemo and things were improving for me. The gyn-Onc Dr has told us that he has done all that he is able to do. I did not have the heart to tell Karan when she arrived from the recovery room. She sat in a chair next to her bed and I gave her a bath. I was thrilled, excited, and for the first time in four months I felt alive. I am the 2nd eldest daughter and me and my older sister thought the tiredness and weightloss were all part of her life situation. I am approaching my two year anniversary of my dianosis this week. Lymph node removed, 6 weeks radiation and weekly carbo. Surgery is not something to laugh at and there are risks. m. One day I got a call from the office that my pap smear showed pre-cancer cells. At the time he did not tell me he felt anything. I was 42 years old and the mother of a young daughter aged 12. When we walked in I remember just wanting to crawl into the bed next to her and hold her like she had done so many times for me when I was sick. As he cleared his throat, he asked me if I was aware that I had a large cyst in my left ovary. A single mother at the time I had a hard time focusing on my disease but was cured anyway, my youngest child was fifteen. My mother just passed away after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer one year ago. This silent killer is responsible for taking the lives of thousands of women every year. I could feel fluid moving throughout my chest. 28, 2012. I wondered how I would tell my 3 daughters and my mum. We tried different Chinese herbalists and Chinese meditation (Qigong), but the disease was progressing. Her primary care told her she was getting older and to slow and that maybe it was her nerves. It turns out he will not do the pelvic mass because it is right next to an artery and he does not want to take the chance of puncturing it. During all seven cycles, she was administered Mitotex (280mg) and carboplatin (600mg) drugs. I also have been having bad headaches. I had tests including a colonoscopy and they were normal. My husband held me and explained to me that he wanted me to have the surgery as our other two children needed a mommy. In any case, the pain was also becoming intolerable. Because I was lucky enough to be stage 1 both times I did not have chemo. I am a breast cancer survivor of 3 years. I have no history of drug abuse, arrest etc. I have full confidence that if anyone can make it she can. She lived she said she just wanted to see me go to school and. He was loud, mean and rude in my face and threw me an ibuprofen, down right scary. Long story short, I had surgery for that on April 17, 2002. Just make sure that you get a doctor who communicates well with you and make sure you understand what you are facing. He is not a gyn doctor but he strongly suggested I go see a gyn oncologist even though nothing in my ultrasound indicated cancer. I started eliminating certain foods from my diet to see if it would help. Recovery has been good and I am being followed up closely. I had 6 treatments of chemotherapy (3 different medicines every 21 days), a biopsy surgery(which was negative) and two more treatments of chemo. It gave her relief for a day or two before it started growing again and the legs swelled. The radiologist comes in and says okay lets get you ready for the lung biopsy, so we have to stop there and get everything right. I think you just have to keep going and hope for the best. However, it is still so hard without her and time does heal but I dont think it gets any easier, at least not for me. I would want to spend as much time as possible with my husband, son, and daughter. She had undergone a battery of tests looking at every part of her body or so we thought. So I was really scared about the scan, and really debated on whether to have it or not. The GB scan let to CXR, Thoracentesis, CT scan, ovarian cancer staging surgery, and chemo. On a routine Gyn exam Sept 2006, having no symptoms but some abdominal bloating, my GYN decided to do a pelvic ultrasound because it had been 2 year since the last one. When I finished on November 9th, it was 74. I think this is the most anxious I have been through this whole journey so far. The medical examiner denied her and said natural causes. I could say all went well but I am not going to. My mom had an extremely high tolerance for pain she had 7 kids without any type of pain medication. I shared this information with my genetic counselor. Right now she has four rounds of chemo in again, she will be finshed in the spring. a notch or a natural step in life. A CT scan was the only thing that detected my cancer. They took her off chemo in November and got her ready for debulking surgery. Because she was in bed for four weeks with no movement whatsoever, she had to undergo physical therapy while in bed which was very painful as she was experiencing horrible muscle pain. I lived and worked as a teacher in the US for 8 years, had very good health insurance, but was never offered this test by my OBGYNE there, although he knew my history. I experienced the following symptoms over a period of time: weight gain, edema, pelvic swelling and tenderness, amenorrhea, fatigue, rise in blood pressure, headaches, frequent urination, acid reflux, depression, pulmonary embolus, sleep apnea and umbilical hernia. She also started having night sweats, hair loss, and lost weight. God bless us all. Helping Others Patiently Endure, a Christian Cancer Support Group 49 Walnut Blvd. Since my year bout with ovarian cancer, I have gone through it with 2 close friends and we are all three alive and well. When I got to the ER they did a CT and they have me my breathing treatment and an injection for pain. I am glad that all the breast cancer research has gone so well and that so much is being done to advance detection and treatment but we need to be able to say the same for OVCA. I love this world, yet shall I love to go. That same day, the pathology report was read to us, verifying the cancer. I switched doctors in 20004 and I did not have a gyn at this time. We assumed that she had probably over done it with some drilling into ceramic tile in the bathroom. Reality of what maybe: Ovarian Cancer as a teen The pain woke me up. She joked about and was incredibly candid about her impending death and openly shared her feelings with us all. I lost my ovaries (I had had a partial hysterectomy last year), the rest of my cervix, my appendix, part of my large and small intestines and my omentum. People can read this and find out for themselves how Nutrisystem diets work and also what customers can expect to gain when they sign up with Nutrisystem to eat great food and lose weight, improve their health and get a great figure. I was then given the Taxol and Carboplatin due to the fact that the doctor was unable to remove all of the cancer. By this point I had been referred to an oncologist. My mom died on October 25, 2007 at home with her family. PLEASE---anyone who can give me their opinion on what I should do now let me know. Contact your MD if you develop one or more of these symptoms and they persist for 2-3 weeks. I am relatively young, have no known ovarian cancer in my family and have never used fertility drugs. I did talk to Dan and sent him my ultrasound. During my high school years I have also been the editor of the school paper. She went to that appointment and a scan showed that her ovaries had two massive cysts on them- one 6 inches in diameter, the other 5- the size of 2 melons. So anyhow, my doc went to the Lab and checked, twice, to be certain and yes, there was cancer in both ovaries, but apparently no cancer in the fallopian tubes (that was a mistake) -- but with these other mistakes I wonder if it was true. Each day is a gift, a true gift from God. Many come to pray and support her, and she in turn prays for and encourages her visitors. He removed my entire ovary, tissue on my pelvic wall and my appendix. At 62 she was vomiting after most meals and her bowel habits were irregular. Thankfully, God heard my prayers and three months later, in 1976, I had a healthy, beautiful baby boy. My mom was a slender woman except for her mid-section which she blamed on having so many kids and we believed her. 44. I began a journey down a path that still continues. I feel like they are the reason the cancer is too small to detected. And I feel so much better, now. Cancer cells were found during my regular annual pap smear exam. My heart is still with you, Doreen Brick, who passed away January 2006, of ovarian cancer. He also found a polyp on the inside of my cervix, that was hanging out through the cervix It later tested positive for cancer. I have changed my diet and eat a lot of natural fruits, grains, soy and veggies, and no meat and take some supplements. My mother had not been to a doctor since I was born twenty-four years before this. I was hardly examined, diagnosed as being constipated, despite giving history of dily bowel movements. I sat there in the dark holding her hand and one of the patients in the room called me over. I have an appt. July 31 my husband dropped me off at the hospital (by myself) and I got admitted etc. She even thought that was funny. The radiologist had a hard time getting any kind of sample but did get a little bit that was sent off, but came back inconclusive. After arriving at Sloan Kettering we felt a glimmer of hope that she would be with us for a few years at the very least. 20 smaller ones covering my whole groin. He was very confident he got all visible signs of cancer. They found cancer cells around her lungs in the fluid, and she looks like she is about 9 months pregnant. Rescan is showing that the fluid from around my lung is gone and the lymph node and all other tumors have shrunk. I was tired but never really felt stressed out, so I went to another GP, a lady this time. Her and my father were under extreme stress and depression. Her doctor recommend that she be put in the hopital so he can run test to find out what was going on. At 62 she was vomiting after most meals and her bowel habits were irregular. I went on my first overseas trip in May 2005. Reiki, guided imagery, tai chi, music and art therapy. Had first lot of chemo treatment 17 November which consisted of two drugs Paclitaxel and Carboplatin. I called my husband at the hotel and he came right over. The doctor then had the water tested, which showed positive for OVCA. On seeing the gynecologist, he booked me into the hospital for a hysterectomy the following week. I started getting checked twice a year thinking I was next. She continued with chemo, her CA numbers dropped and then started going back up in September. Before her surgery they also discovered,she had an undiagnosed thyroid condition. The only choices were watch and wait or get a lapriscopy remove the blurry ovary and possibly a full hysterectomy. for whatever you have written my belief in you is strong. I appreciate the way she fought the disease for almost two years. I am going on day to day with the help of my family and friends and antidepressants. Most importantly I keep my medical appointments, listen to the advise of my doctors and always let them know what I am doing and taking. They covered the hole with a big steel plate to hide the mold. Throughout the fall of 2004, these symptoms continued to get worse and worse. I send my good thoughts and vibes to all out there who are fighting this fight. As well she has had to undergo surgery to have catheters placed in both her lungs to drain fluid, the cancer has spread to there causing pleural effusions. I learned alot about this cancer, how silent, aggressive and deadly it is. However, there was another mass that they were unable to get due to the location and that we would need to begin chemo after healing from the surgery, to shrink the mass. I went to the Gynecologist for the first time in my life because I was having discomfort in my abdominal area, especially when my bladder was full, and I figured at my age it was time to get checked out in case I would find Mr. After she spoke to all 3 kids (including myself) and my dad, something changed her mind and now she is ready for a battle. We were left with no choice but to send her to do more chemotherapy. I had many tests and they kept me from wednesday-Friday. It is possible that the CA number will be the same or lower, but my onc and I feel that we need to be prepared. I was admitted into the hospital where the doctors diagnosed me with a plueral effusion. Barnes tried to tell her and she could not believe her ears. WOW 23 years old some people say. I remember watching her as she spoke to him and the second when she received the news that her cancer had appeared in other areas. They did not order any tests, told me it was probably constipation (because I had not gone during the three days), or possibly a ruptured cyst. 5 cm cyst embedded within my ovary that is complex. I was tired but I thought it was because of me being old. Had an allergic to the chemo so they stopped it. The football game was exciting, although the icy cold bleachers seemed to send a chill right up my buttocks into my back. I remember telling her. The chemo that she was on for the first year her body started rejecting it. I found that after one week after a session I begin to gain strength until the next session. My friends and family have surrounded me with their love and support. B: I once read that ovarian is the most complicated cancer, so I figure that I (and the rest of us) must be really special. Then on June 27, 2001 it all came tumbling down. I was worried and I told her I think I have cancer. She state she had abdominal pain on both sides where her ovaries would be. My mom, Felecia would want everyone to know that you have to keep fighting this beast until the fat lady sings. She went to be with Jesus on June 1, 2006 at age 63. You see, my family has Lynch Syndrome, the colon cancer gene. Like me, you may find someone who is okay not having children or you can always adopt. I am not a surgical candidate for this recurrence. Anyway, there is light at the end of the tunnel for those of you going through the initial diagnosis, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery--it does all get better. (NED) and CA125 has been below 15. In December 2009 I had my second PET scan. I went in her room to check on her and she had brown throw up on her mouth and clothes. Her abdomen began to build up with fluid so she went to her doctor and had some tests done. I realize now that all my dreams were always in your hands. I am concerned with quality of life and keeping costs down even though I have good insurance. I eat mainly organic unprocessed food and drink purified water. My Doctor tells me there are many options for us. Special thanks to my friends on the discussion board and Johns Hopkins. I was going to get an ultra sound done later that morning on the 10th. The next day, while at work I realized that something was terribly wrong. Oncology use TAXOL AND CARBOPLATIN for her chemotheraphy. It is her body and I must respect her feelings and her choice. Every test showed nothing out of the ordinary. Brief timeline: Oct 2002: Had symptom of ascites, looked like a 5-month pregnant woman. She wanted to come home to Washington one way or the other. He said it just like there was a cake in the oven. If I waited until my third baby was born to have the surgery, my husband may be taking care of 3 children on his own. Oh, by the way my CA-125 is down to 19, which is its all time low during treatment. She was dead within 4 weeks of that diagnosis. She has been in remission for 3 years and two weeks ago we found out she had a tumor on her pelvis and her liver. He told me my ovaries was fully covered with cancer. It was at this point that I was just baffled and grieve stricken. My family doctor sent me